As you will have noticed, women aren’t aging the way that they used to. These days, older ladies aren’t just looking more youthful, they are also interested in dating and hooking up with younger men. So, if this is something that you are into, there are plenty of opportunities available to you.
Before you jump into that dating scene, though, there are a few things to know. This all starts with the difference between MILFs and GILFs and which age range that you should consider. Find out all the top tips here!
What is a MILF?
You’ve probably heard this term thrown around quite a bit, but what does it actually mean? Well, MILF stands or Mother I’d Like to F-. This usually refers to older women with children who are still considered sexually attractive, particularly by younger men.
For someone to be considered a MILF, they probably have to be older than 35. Younger women with kids, regardless of their attractiveness may not necessarily fall into this category.
Now, a MILF doesn’t actually have to have kids. You may find men referring to women over the age of 40 or 50 as MILFs simply if they look really good or want to date younger men. At this point, it doesn’t matter if they have children.
What is a GILF?
So, what is a GILF? Well, this is a relatively newer term and refers to Grandmother I’d Like to F-. This term is usually used to refer to women who are older than MILFs. However, if they are on the younger side and have a grandchild, they can still be considered a GILF.
Now, if someone is younger than 50 and a grandmother, it is unclear if they still fall into the GILF category. Sure, they have a grandkid, but they may be considered too young to actually be a GILF.
As with MILFs, though, GILFs don’t actually have to have grandkids. Once again, it is all about attractiveness and whether or not the woman is sexually active. If she is over 60, for instance, and doesn’t have grandchildren, she may still be called a GILF.
Who Should You Date?
So, who should you date – a MILF or a GILF? As you can imagine, this is largely up to you and who you have met. Depending on your preference, you may find a MILF or a GILF to be more attractive. Or, you may have found a GILF that is hotter than a MILF or vice versa.
At the same time, it is a good idea to consider the age difference as well. In most cases, it is easier to have a physical and emotional relationship with someone who isn’t that much older than you. Otherwise, the generational gap may be a barrier between the two of you.
This means that if you are in your 20s or 30s, then a MILF may be the way to go. However, if you are in your 40s or older, then a GILF would make a better choice.
So, this is what you need to know about MILFs and GILFs and which one would be right for you to date. You should now find it a lot easier for you to date a woman who is older than you.