How do you pick up a younger woman? You probably slink closer to her in a club or bar, drop a line or two and you’re golden. Now, if you think that this act is going to work with a MILF, think again.
Remember, an older woman has been around the block a couple of times. As such, she’s going to know all your little tricks. So, if you want to seduce an older woman, you will have to learn a few new lessons. So, let’s get started…
Be Confident, Not Cocky
MILFs are definitely interested in dating younger men. At the same time, they want to be with a man, not a boy. Due to this, confidence is key when you are approaching an older woman. Of course, this may not come all that naturally to you. So, what should you do?
Well, the first thing you should try is to get some practice. Go to a site such as Meet-a-Milf.com and build up your confidence with the older women that you find there. This is a great place to learn a couple of lessons as the women here are interested in actively engaging you. After a while, the confidence routine will come more naturally to you.
Now, a word to the wise, it is important to make sure that your confidence never moves into the cocky territory. MILFs are experienced and successful women – they will have no time for someone who comes across as smug or arrogant.
Ditch the Games but Don’t Be Too Forward
Once again, you are going to have to balance a subtle line. Older women don’t have the time or patience for games. So, your typical push and pull strategy aren’t going to work here. If you try to act too cool, they are going to move onto someone else. So, if you are into an older woman, don’t hesitate to tell her.
At the same time, you shouldn’t get right to the physical point of the relationship. She isn’t going to appreciate you being too forward either. Thus, you should make the first move, but not head too much farther than that. At least not just yet.
Essentially, make sure that a MILF knows that you want here. There should be no doubt in her mind that you are interested in. However, make sure that she’s in charge of how quickly the relationship proceeds. This way, she will feel more comfortable.
Make an Effort to Seduce Her
An older woman needs to feel desired. Although they are incredibly hot, society doesn’t pay as much attention to them like they do with younger women. As such, MILFs don’t really get to feel truly wanted all that often. So, it is important that you do.
You need to make an effort when seducing an older woman. So, sending a single flirty text isn’t really going to do the trick. You must woo her in all senses of the word. Go ahead and send flowers and make romantic gestures.
At the same time, make sure to send her hot and heavy messages and phone calls about how attractive you find her. And make sure to get specific. Tell your lady that you love her in a particular dress or focus on one physical aspect and praise her for it. You will be surprised at how effective this tactic will be.
So, there you have it – your guide to seducing a MILF. It isn’t rocket science, but it does involve a certain amount of finesse. However, if you put in the work, you will be richly rewarded. Keep in mind, there is nothing quite like being with an older woman.