Want to find attractive singles close to where you live? Curious about if lusty locals can make this happen for you? If you so, then this is the review for you. Here you can discover what this dating site has in store for you and whether or not it is a suitable option.
Want to find attractive singles close to where you live? Curious about if lusty locals can make this happen for you? If you so, then this is the review for you. Here you can discover what this dating site has in store for you and whether or not it is a suitable option.
About Lusty Locals
Lusty Locals isn’t a traditional dating site. Rather, it is meant for one night stands, short-term flings, or casual hookups. As the name suggests, the purpose of the site is to help you find people within your area. The site is designed to keep conversations short and to the point – the goal is to ensure that the members find someone quickly.
The Sign Up Process on Lusty Locals
The sign up process is pretty straightforward with this site. On the homepage, you simply have to specify your gender and who you are looking for. You also have to provide your age, email address, and come up with a password. Then, it is a matter of pinpointing your location.
It is free to join the site. And, you can use the site as a Free Member or a Guest for a period of time. There are limits to what you can do, for instance. This includes with updating your own profile, browsing profiles, and sending messages.
If you want to get an idea of what it is like to use all the facilities, you can try out a trial period for 3 days.
Profiles and User Base
One of the biggest issues with Lusty Locals are the profiles on the site. For one thing, it doesn’t have a very wide user base. This means that the average member may have to wait quite a while before they are contacted by somebody suitable, particularly in their area.
However, the main problem is that there are numerous fake profiles on the site. Some of these are actually romantic scams that try to convince users to send money to people behind the fake profiles. Due to this, it can be very tricky to find a real profile in this crowd.
There is also the fact that some of the profiles do appear to be bots. These are set up by the company. They will often message you if your account has not been active for a while. When these profiles are contacted, though, they turn out to be bots.
The company behind Lusty Locals owns other dating sites. When you create a profile for this dating site, it is automatically duplicated across other sites as well. The company states that this is to improve your chances of finding a suitable match.
Communication Features
The communication features on this site are pretty basic. There is a chat feature that allows you to get in touch with any profiles that you might like. It is also possible for users to send certain automated messages to other individuals. These can be customized as you see fit.
Cost of Lusty Locals
If you want to experience all of the features available on Lusty Locals, including message whoever you wish, then you need to pay for a full subscription package. There is a trial period of three days, but you have to pay for this as well.
The other subscription packages extend for one month, three months, and 6 months. It should be noted that these services are quite a bit more expensive than some of the more well-known sites. This is unusual considering that the site doesn’t have nearly as much reach as other popular options.
The main payment method involves credit cards and debit cards. The main cards will be accepted by the site. It should be noted that the site does automatize billing renewals. So, if you do want to cancel your subscription, you will need to do this ahead of time, before the account is renewed.
Privacy Policy
Another concerning issue with Lusty Locals is their privacy policy. The site is very clear that it collects and stores virtually all the information provided. Furthermore, they also have access to your images, messages, etc. and can use them in various ways.
The company also states that it will share some of this information with third party individuals. The site doesn’t mention which companies will have access to your information. All in all, this isn’t a great privacy policy. If you are hoping for a more discreet approach to online dating or hookups, you will need to look elsewhere.
The site does promise to delete all of your information if you delete your account. For Guest members or those who haven’t paid any money, these details are deleted automatically. However, if you have made any kind of payment at all, the company will hold your personal information for up to 6 months after the account has been deleted.
According to the site, they use SSL certificates and firewalls to safeguard the information that you provide to the site. At the same time, the company also has the following statement regarding their security measures:
“… we cannot assure you that the personal information that we collect will not be used or disclosed inconsistently with this privacy policy. We assume no responsibility or liability for disclosure for any of your information due to errors in transmission, unauthorized third-party access, or causes beyond our reasonable control.”
Pros and Cons
- Suitable for short-term flings
- Expensive subscription
- Fake profiles
- Limited features
- Poor privacy policy
The Final Verdict
So, is Lusty Locals a dating site that you should sign up for? It doesn’t appear that there is much going for this site. Not many people have signed up for it and there are way too many fake profiles to make it seem legitimate. The features are also limited, particularly if you aren’t planning for paying for the unreasonable fees.
This isn’t a great dating site, even if you are looking for something casual. There are plenty of better and safer options out there, you would certainly be better off selecting one of these. Thus, in conclusion, Lusty Locals isn’t a good pick for users.